
            In order to explain the order in which hooks are run
As a SpecFlow evanglist
I wan to  be able to hook into pre and post conditions in SpecFlow

  • Hooking into pre conditions for Test Runs in SpecFlow

    • Given the scenario is running
    • Then the BeforeTestRun hook should have been executed
  • Hooking into pre conditions for Features in SpecFlow

    • Given the scenario is running
    • Then the BeforeFeature hook should have been executed
  • Hooking into pre conditions for Scenarios in SpecFlow

    • Given the scenario is running
    • Then the BeforeScenario hook should have been executed
  • Hooking into pre conditions for ScenarioBlocks in SpecFlow

    • Given the scenario is running
    • Then the BeforeScenarioBlock hook should have been executed
  • Hooking into pre conditions for Steps in SpecFlow

    • Given the scenario is running
    • Then the BeforeStep hook should have been executed